The Client
St Paul’s Catholic Primary is a larger-than-average-sized school in Portsmouth with 385 pupils and a community nursery, maintained by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.
SaveMoneyCutCarbon is working with Portsmouth Diocese to improve energy efficiency in many of its network of schools.
The Brief
An initial survey by SaveMoneyCutCarbon identified valuable annual savings that the school would make through a full LED lighting retrofit.
St Paul’s required an overall improvement in light quality while cutting costs to reduce pressure on school budgets.
The school also wanted to take full advantage of SaveMoneyCutCarbon’s expertise in applying for interest-free funding opportunities provided by Salix Finance, to ensure the project would be self-financing through savings on electricity costs.
The Solution
The experienced SaveMoneyCutCarbon Field Service team managed the lighting project from survey to specification, installation, testing and monitoring.
The team installed 425 LED panels, tubes, 2D light and floodlights during out-of-school hours to ensure no disruption to teachers or pupils.
As part of the end-to-end service, SaveMoneyCutCarbon also completed the Salix Finance funding application on behalf of the school. This ensured that an interest-free loan would cover project costs, with repayments covered by energy savings.
- Over £5,000 per year saving on energy bills
- ROI – 7.78 years
- Annual CO2 reduction – 63%
Annual Savings
24.8 tonnes
years payback