The Client

SaveMoneyCutCarbon was tasked with an extensive LED lighting retrofit for 14 residential tower blocks in Croydon to deliver massive energy savings, improved lighting and reduced maintenance costs.

SaveMoneyCutCarbon worked closely with international company Bouygues Energies & Services, which managed the overall direction of the contract as facilities manager under the auspices of the London RE:FIT programme.

RE:FIT is the Mayor of London’s award-winning scheme provides a commercial model for public bodies to support cost savings by improving the energy performance of buildings and reduce carbon emissions.

The Brief

Bouygues, as appointed Energy Service Company (ESCo), had to guarantee the level of energy savings to ensure a secure financial saving over the period of the agreement.

This meant that the Return on Investment calculations were especially critical and Bouygues tasked SaveMoneyCutCarbon with the delivery of accurate ROI data, based on detailed surveys and measurement, along with full management of installation.

The Solution

The blocks of flats are largely eight-storey construction and had aged and inefficient lighting in the common areas and externally.

After a lengthy contractual and survey process over 14 months, the SaveMoneyCutCarbon field services team completed the extensive installation in just three weeks.

The SaveMoneyCutCarbon Field Services Team, working closely with Bouygues as service partner fully managed the LED retrofit process from initial full surveys and measurement, to detailed ROI calculations, installation and testing.

More than 1,100 old fluorescent 2Ds in the common areas were replaced with a mixture of 9w and 12w LEDs, often with motion sensors and emergency fittings. In some areas, external lighting was also upgraded to LED.

The major benefits of quality LED lighting are big energy savings over their long life, a decade or more of sustained use. This also means vastly reduced maintenance costs associated with more frequent replacement of traditional lighting.

Reduction of 70% in CO2 emissions a year
Energy savings of 71% with LED lighting
“A main strength in this process was that we provided a single, responsive point of contact for surveys, ROI calculations, product supply and installation. We were also able to provide a swift and professional installation and testing service through our experienced national team.”

Mark Sait, SaveMoneyCutCarbon CEO


  • Energy costs reduced by nearly 71%
  • Carbon emissions cuts by more than 70%
  • Improved & consistent lighting in public areas for residents
  • Zero maintenance for the foreseeable future.

Annual Savings

  • 70%


  • 71%


How much could our services save you?




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