Soraa and colour

Behaviours, emotions, well-being and human interactions depend on seeing colours accurately. Since natural light starts at violet and ends at re, the accurate rendering of colour requires the right amount of spectral content in every wavelength from 400nm to 700nm.

As the only LED that spans the visible spectrum from violet through deep red, Soraa harnesses the latest techniques in colour science to achieve a natural saturation and precise rendering of specific colours. Soraa also uses the cutting-edge TM-30 colour rendition method to perfect Soraa VIVID COLOR technology and render all colours as they are meant to be seen.

Illuminating spaces with Soraa VIVID COLOR technology reinvigorates objects and people within them. By showcasing the most nuanced of colours as nature intended, Soraa lamps allow clothing, artwork, fabrics, food, beverages and people to look and feel their best. Conversely LEDs lacking true full spectrum light leave objects with subdues appearances.


TM-30: A More Accurate Way to Measure Colour

The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) partnered with lighting design researchers and specification and manufacturing experts to design TM-30, an improved colour rendition metric that more accurately evaluates the natural rendering of colours by light sources. With guidance from Soraa scientists, TM-30 is a more complete approach for measuring colour accurately compared to CRI (Colour Render Index).

TM-30 uses state-of-the art scientific advances in colour science to measure light source rendition, which means that it is more accurate than the traditional CRI method, particularly for narrow-band spectra.

While the CRI fidelity index uses 8 colour evaluation samples, the TM-30 fidelity index – R – uses 99, and each of the samples were selected from more than 100,000 reflectance properties for real objects.

TM-30 also provides more insights with the gamut index Rg, which indicates a colour’s saturation when illuminated by a light source. TM-30’s colour vector graphics offer additional information about saturation levels and hue shifts. Several TM-30 indices deliver more colour rendering insights, including the colour fidelity of reds and skin tones.

Maximising fidelity (Rf) requires a smooth spectrum similar to natural light. Soraa harnesses cutting-edge colour science as the only LED that spans the visible spectrum from violet through deep red, along with the TM-30 colour rendition method and CRI, to reveal a natural saturation and precise rendering of colours.

Lighting professionals and architects seek to enhance human experiences in the spaces they design. When taking colour into consideration, they can amplify the visual and emotional impact of these spaces.

Soraa is redefining the way industry leaders evaluate colour and white to make all spaces, objects and people look their best. Evaluating light sources by combining TM-30, CRI, R9 and Rw (white rendering) creates a precise quality of light.


RED – The Value of R9 

CRI (includes eight standard colours (R1-R8), which means it doesn’t factor in red, also known as R9. Creating a colour point, without considering R9 results in lacklustre reds and lifeless skin tones. The Soraa VIVID portfolio, however, taps into the visual power of R9, resulting in vibrant, dramatic spaces with eye-popping appeal.

R9 values reach a maximum value of 100 which is similar to natural sunlight. Soraa VIVID has an R9 value of +95 – among the highest available anywhere – thus saturating the senses. Light sources without high R9 values can distort colours, in particular red tones. Soraa developed innovative technology to represent red tones as vividly and accurately as possible.

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