Halogen bulb ban countdown starts today

Today marks a milestone in the move to energy-efficient lighting in the UK with 100 days before a complete ban on mains voltage directional halogen bulbs.

Halogen GU10 ban - LED replacement
The future after halogen – quality GU10 LED lamps like the Verbatim LED PAR16

The ban is part of the EU’s strategy to push along the phase out of traditional lamps that use far more electricity than newer options like LED bulbs.

We’re backing the campaign launched today by lighting partner Verbatim to highlight the countdown to the ban on halogen GU10 bulbs that comes into force on September 1st.

The ban is a positive step, we think, as the technology and market is ready for a big step change that will help to reduce the consumption of electricity at a time when the National Grid is coming under increased strain.

Quick payback

Quality LED GU10s – and all other LED models – will reduce energy consumption by up to 85% and this means payback on initial cost is achieved very quickly.

Then the GU10 LED will go on saving money on electricity bills for many years.

It makes sense to start planning and ordering replacement GU10 bulbs now, ensuring that the right choice is made. We’ve advised many times over the past three years that LEDs vary in quality.

There are some LED GU10s out there that are budget priced but poorly manufactured with less than robust parts and testing controls.

Given that a well-manufactured LED bulb will last for up to 40,000 hours, it’s a false economy to buy cheap, unproven options. A trusted manufacturer with a commitment to highest production standards will always deliver the best LED bulb.

Four criteria

See our range of Verbatim GU10s and other LEDs and you can call use on 0845 123 5464 to discuss your halogen GU10 mains voltage replacement options.

The European Commission’s decision was based on four criteria being met: affordability, performance, equivalence to existing models and compatibility.

We’d agree that the GU10s and other LEDs in our product range meet these criteria and would just underline again that for quality of light and peace of mind, it pays to avoid the ultra-cheap models.

That said, we strive to provide best prices at all times and pass on maximum savings to customers, for example, our Verbatim LED PAR16 GU10 7W.




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