Club Member of the Month: Rachel

Meet Rachel, our Home Club Member of the Month!

Meet Rachel, part time marketeer and full time mum of 2!

Rachel started trying small steps to live sustainably since Summer 2019, learning lots along the way, until joining our Home Club.

She has 2 young children under 10, which keep her and her husband busy at home. She has been rushed off her feet home schooling whilst working from home during 2020 – which I’m sure many of us can empathise with!

We asked Rachel to share with us her reasons why she chose to lead a more eco-conscious lifestyle, as well as what her favourite sustainable swap was.

What made you want to live more sustainably?

“As a busy working mum of 2, and finding myself working from home a majority of time, I was finding my waste pile growing and growing by the month and I decided I needed to make some positive changes, for both the planet and my own sanity!

I joined the Home Club to trial a variety of easy eco swaps, and I loved everything in my box so much that I already placed my first order… my surprise I saved £30 on that alone!”

What is your absolute favourite swap – the one you can’t imagine being without or are most proud of?

“Now when I think about sustainable swaps, it’s very hard to pick just one!

My top go-to’s are the EcoCoconut scourers, Patch bamboo plasters, OceanSaver EcoDrops, compostable caddy liners and the ecoegg bamboo kitchen towels.”

Why do you love it so much?

“This question really goes back to question 1… MUM LIFE is hard!

I found the coconut scourers amazing for cleaning my slow cooker bowl (casseroles are a god send to get veg in the kids!). On another note, kids like to get hurt… a lot… so these bamboo plasters make me feel less guilty when I am PATCH-ing them up… mind the pun.

I use the EcoDrops and the bamboo towels hand in hand to clean up all the daily spills without the worry of adding to landfill and with the waste sacks, we use these for our food waste.

As you can imagine with 2 young ones aged 8 and 3, there is a lot of that! We pop our food waste into the sacks, then either pop them in the compost bin or bury them in the garden. Not only is my soil quality improving… but my bin has never been so empty… HOORAY!”

Start your sustainable adventures today – it’s easy!

We’ve done the hard work for you in researching, testing and handpicking sustainable products to help you be more eco-friendly at home and on the go. Browse the range to get started – it couldn’t be easier!

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