Our Partnership
Vyv has partnered with SaveMoneyCutCarbon to deliver this critical continuous use antimicrobial light solution to the UK. Click to view the video opposite to learn more about this pioneering technology.
Vyv is a new class of clean light technology that harnesses the antimicrobial power within the visible light spectrum. Vyv stops the growth and kills* viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast, mold and mildew.
Unlike UV light, Vyv is certified for continuous and unrestricted use around people, pets and plants. Vyv lights are built to continuously reduce microbial growth to keep our indoor environments and surfaces clean.
Vyv Antimicrobial Products
Vyv’s antimicrobial light technology is now available in a wide assortment of dual-mode White Antimicrobial+Light and Enhanced Antimicrobial light fixtures

White Antimicrobial Light Mode (WALM) Enhanced Antimicrobial Light Mode (EALM)
Contact us to find out more
0333 123 5464

The average work desk is 400 times dirtier than the average toilet seat

Approximately 80% of common infections are transmitted by touch. We touch on average 300 surfaces per hour

Touching a handrail on public transport is like shaking hands with 10,000 people

A supermarket shopping trolley has 361 times more bacteria than a toilet doorknob

1 in 6 mobile phones have traces of E. Coli bacteria

The average Bank of England note is home to 18,200 bacteria

What impact are these germs having?
Vyv has created a new class of Continuous Cleaning
Organisms can live on surfaces, sometimes in excess of a month. They’re invisible, grow exponentially and can frequently impact our health.
Current cleaning methods – typically intermittent mopping and wiping surfaces with antimicrobial cleaning agents – are generally inefficient and rarely remove 100% of microbes on surfaces. The gaps between cleanings are all opportunities for microbial growth.
More sophisticated, disinfection techniques are also available: bursts of ultraviolet (UV-C and Far UV- C) light, high pressure-high heat washdowns, vapor-bombing with hydrogen peroxide and more. What these approaches all have in common – they are initially effective but only for an intermittent time. None work continuously.
Continuous Protection
Vyv’s pioneering continuous antimicrobial light technology creates a new kind of clean

Microbial levels can quickly return to pre-cleaning levels between treatments
With Vyv’s continuous antimicrobial effect microbes are prevented from growing and are constantly being reduced over time
Benefits of Vyv
The benefits of Vyv technology compared to traditional methods of disinfection:

Vyv technology is not Ultraviolet light

Vyv technology harnesses a specific wavelength of light (405nm) which sits outside of the harmful UV spectrum and within the visible light spectrum.
The Science
Visible antimicrobial light excites porphyrin molecules exclusively in microorganisms, creating excessively toxic Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)

Vyv’s patented antimicrobial light technology delivers a precise spectrum of visible light (400nm – 420nm) that initiates a photo-activation of porphyrin molecules found exclusively inside microbes (not humans, pets or plants). This photo-activation leads to the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). In high doses, ROS cause irreparable damage to the cellular structure, which leads to bacterial cell death.
Results of Vyv
Studies performed on the efficacy of Vyv’s technology include research performed at the NY State Department of Health Wadsworth Biodefense Lab, University of North Carolina, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Cornell Food Sciences, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Case Western University, Stonybrook University Hospital, and Bayfront Health System with several more clinical and customer trials currently in progress.
Detailed case studies and results are available upon request, by filling out the contact form.
See our Learn&Save articles for more information

What are the benefits of Vyv antimicrobial light?

Moving beyond dangerous UV-C with LED antimicrobial light